miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012


The Long Term Player Development Pathway is a template or a model that can be effectively used to guide us in our planning of not only physical capacities such as fitness and skill development, but also in offering guidelines of how to implement a programme of Strength and Conditioning within the overall context of preparing for the game. 

The stages of the Long Term Player Development Pathway described allow us to focus on key areas of development that are appropriate to a particular stage. In identifying the stage of development of our players, it is important to appreciate both the windows of opportunity that may exist and the developmental stage of the player. We described the importance of noting the physical growth (stature) stage of the player. Players who are going through a rapid growth spurt (Peak Height Velocity) may display less co-ordination and skill competence, so the coach needs to be aware of the subtleties of the effects of the different stages of growth on the players’ skill and movement competencies. 

Resume Chapter 1, IRB training and education courses.

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