Objective To examine factors associated with tackles in rugby union and to assess their impact on the risk of injury.
Design Two-season (2003/2004 and 2005/2006) prospective cohort design with video analysis.
Setting 13 English Premiership clubs.
Participants 645 players.
Main outcome measure RR (95% CI) calculated by comparing the frequency of occurrence of risk factors in a cohort of players injured during tackles with their frequency of occurrence in tackles in general play.
Risk factors Playing position; player’s speed, impact force, head position, head/neck fl exion and body region struck in the tackle; sequence, direction and type of tackle; and location and type of injury.
Results High-speed going into the tackle, high impact force, collisions and contact with a player’s head/neck were identifi ed as signifi cant (p<0.01)>
Conclusions Advice in national and international injury prevention programmes for reducing the risk of injury in tackles is strongly supported by the results obtained
from this study. These programmes should be reviewed, however, to provide specifi c advice for each type of tackle.
Stricter implementation of the Laws of Rugby relating to collisions and tackles above the line of the shoulder may reduce the number of head/neck injuries sustained by BCs.
(c) Colin W Fuller, Tony Ashton, John H M Brooks, Rebecca J Cancea, John Hall, Simon P T Kemp. Br J Sports Med 2010, 44:159-167.
from this study. These programmes should be reviewed, however, to provide specifi c advice for each type of tackle.
Stricter implementation of the Laws of Rugby relating to collisions and tackles above the line of the shoulder may reduce the number of head/neck injuries sustained by BCs.
(c) Colin W Fuller, Tony Ashton, John H M Brooks, Rebecca J Cancea, John Hall, Simon P T Kemp. Br J Sports Med 2010, 44:159-167.
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