The second study, focusing on rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction was published at the beginning of October. Twenty-nine Level I or II trials, published between 2006 and 2010, were included in the review. Topics reviewed included; postoperative bracing, accelerated strengthening, home based rehabilitation, proprioception and neuromuscular training, water therapy, stair climbing, slide board exercises, psychological and proprioceptive training and creatine. Bracing was found to not only be unbeneficial to rehab but also costly. While further research is needed on early return to the sport, it was found that static eccentric quadriceps and isometric hamstring strengthening at week three post-op can accelerate strength gains. The authors found it difficult to draw a conclusion on home based rehab due to bias. However, they did state that a well-motivated patient could obtain reasonable results from a minimally supervised home based rehab programme. Neuromuscular interventions were found to be unlikely to contribute large improvements in outcomes or aid a faster return to sport. Vibration training may lead to faster and more complete proprioceptive recovery but the review recommends that further research is needed. Overall, the authors concluded that while these interventions may be beneficial they should not be performed to the exclusion of range-of-motion, strengthening, and functional exercises.
This recent research surrounding ACL prevention and rehab is welcoming as it is an area where the role is physiotherapists is constantly evolving. This is evident in a recent audit highlighted on the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP) website, where it was found at two hospitals in England that two thirds of patients with ACL ruptures didn’t require surgery and that physiotherapy rehab sufficed.
Links to both reviews and the CSP article are available below:
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