jueves, 22 de abril de 2010


Walking and running are essentially plyometrics (both involve a bound). For instance, running a mile is the equivalent of about 1500 plyometric repetitions at two to five times your bodyweight. When you think of it this way, it’s no wonder so many recreational runners suffer from ankle, knee and hip ailments. Any plyometric activity is dynamic, and you need to prepare for it appropriately.

But plyometrics are also extremely effective. When performed properly within a well designed workout, plyometrics can help improve your strength and power, and add an exciting twist to conventional training. Core Performance workouts and training programs often feature a series of plyometric jumps. These jumping exercises – up and down, side to side, twisting back and forth – activate your central nervous system, stimulating the body’s fast-twitch muscle fibers so that you can generate force as quickly and as efficiently as you need. Although plyometrics are typically thought of only as explosive leg exercises, you can also perform plyometric exercises for your upper body, such as plyometric push-ups.

Plyometrics can also teach your body to reduce force more efficiently, which is just as important as generating it. A lot of injuries occur because you can’t decelerate quickly enough. The elasticity developed from plyometrics helps you slam on the brakes.


(c) coreperformance.com
Photo: www.uar.com.ar

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